
Start Them Off on the Right Paw!


  • Touch your dog's paws each day. This gets them used to having their paws touched so when you start cutting their nails, they won't mind. (play 'this little piggy....' on each paw. Do this with the Pup lying on his back between your legs. Use only sufficient force to keep the Pup there when he struggles. Do not hold him down or apply continuous force. Be gentle and speak softly to your puppy.
  • Open your Pups mouth and GENTLY rub your finger along the gums. This prepares them for when the Vet checks teeth or when you have to give them a pill. Give them a command like "mouth", "jaws", "teeth", "pill"
  • Check for Ticks and Fleas occasionally and ALWAYS when you have had your Pup around a lot of trees.
  • Brush your Pup every other day.
  • Once and a while pick up your pups food bowl while he is eating. Give it back if he says "please" nicely. He should not growl, nip, or get nasty.
  • Do the same with toys and chew bones. Gently take it out of your pups mouth and give the command "Give" or "Mine" as you are removing it.
  • EVERY TIME they do anything right or are trying to do it right..........give lots of PRAISE with both HANDS and VOICE.



  • Call your Pup to you and then punish him.
  • Expect your Pup to do everything right. There will be small set-backs at times. BE PATIENT.
  • Expect your Pup to remember or reason the way a human does. They must be trained as a dog, therefore, you must remember to 'speak' in a language they can understand.
  • DON'T EXPECT - TOO MUCH TO SOON. Puppies learn very slowly, but they will learn with help and patience from you. Take each day at a time.
  • When you take your Puppy for a walk, don't give him the command 'Heel'. That will come later in his training. For now, just tell him to 'Walk' or 'Let's Go'. Keep the Pup on your LEFT side.


To be happier...........

Sit with, Speak softly to, Laugh with, Encourage, Share a Cookie with, Find the time for, Be kind to, Run with, Enjoy the beauty of, Be gentle with, Play with, Speak of Love to your Dog.