
Pictures from the Illustrated Guide were drawn by Eleanor Linderholm-Wood of Merrilane Kennels,reg. These pictures are Copyrighted and are used here with Eleanor's permission.

Hindquarters - The Hindquarters are strongly muscled with angulation in balance with that of the forequarters. The thighs are broad and curved, the breech - musculature, hard ,and strongly developed. Upper and lower thigh long. Leg well angulated at the stifle with a clearly definded, well "let down" hock joint.

Viewed from behind, the hind legs should be straight with hock joints leaning neither in nor our. From the side, the leg below the hock (metatarsus) should be almost perpendicular to the ground, with a slight slope to the rear permissible. The metatarsus should be short, clean and strong. The boxer has no rear dewclaws.

Forequarters - The shoulders are long and sloping, close-lying, and not excessively covered with muscle (loaded). The upper arm is long, approaching a right angle to the shoulder blade. The elbows should not press too closely to the chest wall nor stand off visibly from it. The forelegs are long, straght and firmly muscled and when viewed from the front, stand parallel to each other. The pastern is strong and distinct, slightly slanting, but standing almost perpendicular to the ground. The dewclaws may be removed. Feet should be compact, turning neither in nor out, with well arched toes.